Essential Winter Care Tips For Plants

winter care tips for plants

Plants need extra care in winter because of harsh weather and freezing temperatures. It not only affects the microclimate around plants but also their internal metabolism. Gardeners need to brace themselves and their plants to get through this season.

In this article, we are listing several winter care tips for plants that will help you to prepare your garden for winter.

Winter Care Tips For Outdoor Plants


Cover the base of plants with organic materials such as tree bark, dry leaves, humus, or compost. It helps to maintain a warm temperature and isolates the top later from harsh weather. Over time organic mulch also adds organic matter to the soil, thus improving its fertility.


Some plants such as Basil or Tomato are sensitive to frost and require covering to brace the cooler temperatures. You can use low tunnels for many plants or a simple cloth for several plants. Covering them ensures they are protected from frost and maintain a slightly warm temperature around them.

Neem Spray

Winter season brings along many pests such as aphids and mites which can damage plants. Neem contains many compounds which are harmful to pests and it also does not harm the plant in any way. Diluted neem spray can help protect plants from these pests.

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Winter Care Tips for Indoor Plants

Move towards sunlight

winter care tips for plants- move towards sunlight

Plants require sunlight for growth and warmth. Sunlight helps plants do photosynthesis and create food and the winter season can limit the hours of sunlight a plant gets. Move your plants to areas getting ample sunlight. Prioritise south-facing windows as they get the most sunlight.

Controlled Watering

Because of cooler temperatures, evaporation reduces which can cause the soil to remain wet for longer periods. Prolonged wetness can cause root rot in plants. One way to overcome this is by watering less and watering during the morning as it gives ample duration for water to evaporate and avoid prolonged wetness.

Maintain Humidity

Plants cannot sustain dry air which is devoid of moisture. They require humid air to restrict heavy transpiration and maintain proper growth and development. Use humidifiers in extreme weather periods to maintain optimum humidity levels and keep plants healthy.

Soil Care for Winter

Soil needs crucial care to brace up for winter seasons. Good soil is the one that has optimum levels of nutrients, moisture, and aeration. Cooler temperatures restrict evaporation and compact the soil. Compacted soil remains wet for longer hours and can cause diseases and waterlogging. Slightly move the soil using a khurpi to aerate it and avoid compaction.

Slow Release Fertilizers

Slow Release Fertilizer for Winter Plants

Plants move into a resting phase during winter called dormancy where they limit metabolism and conserve energy and food. They thus require less amount of nutrients to support their metabolism. Instead of regular fertilizers use slow-release fertilizers which can maintain consistent levels of nutrients in the soil and prevent excessive levels. These fertilisers are often coated with materials such as neem and sulfur which provide their own unique benefits to the soil.

Best Plants for winter season

Indoor Winter Plants

  1. Snake Plant – Ideal for low light and low-humidity environments, it adds a lush look indoors and thrives with minimal water, making it perfect for winter home care.
  2. ZZ Plant – Known for its resilience, the ZZ Plant requires little maintenance, tolerating indoor winter conditions well with its striking, glossy leaves.
  3. Aloe Vera – A hardy succulent, Aloe Vera withstands dry indoor air and adds utility to your space, as it’s also valued for its medicinal uses.

Outdoor Winter Plants

  1. Winter PansiesWinter pansies bloom beautifully in cold temperatures, adding vibrant colors to outdoor spaces that can endure frost.
  2. Ornamental Kale – This cold-hardy plant offers bold colors and thrives in the frost, adding texture and beauty to winter landscapes.
  3. Hellebores – Also known as Christmas Rose, Hellebores provide winter blooms from late winter into early spring, with delicate flowers that withstand cold, snowy conditions.


Do plants need fertilizer in winter?

Yes, Plants need fertilizer for proper growth and development, but during winter they move into a resting phase where the requirement of nutrients is greatly decreased.

What’s the best way to keep indoor plants warm in winter?

Move them to spots that receive ample sunlight. Cover outdoor plants with cloths or low tunnels.

How Often should I water Plants in winter?

Water when the top layer is dry and crumby, and water during the morning.  

What are the best indoor plants for winter months?

Snake Plant, ZZ plant, Aloe Vera

Can I use regular fertilizer on my plants during winter?

No, during winter months you should use Slow Release Fertilizers which maintain consistent nutrient levels in the soil.

Do houseplants need humidifiers in winter?

Yes, During winter, the air inside our homes becomes dry due to the use of air heaters. So to maintain optimum levels of humidity in the air you should use humidifiers.

For Further reading

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